Perspectives is a quarterly digital publication that covers an array of topics, including valuation, taxation, litigation, transactions, financing, bankruptcy, and strategic planning. Like its award-winning predecessor, Insights, each edition of Perspectives is authored by Willamette Management Associates analysts, with occasional contributions from prominent attorneys and other professionals. Perspectives offers insights and analyses from our analysts to help readers stay informed on complex issues in the areas of valuation, forensic analysis, and financial advisory services.
Editor for this issue: Scott R. Miller

The Potential Application of Artificial Intelligence in Business Valuation
Lerry A. Suarez and Dakota K. Ask
In the field of business valuation, artificial intelligence (“AI”) has the potential to be revolutionary. Although AI possesses promising abilities that can assist a valuation analyst with developing an analysis, its application raises concerns. There are several key considerations that a valuation analyst must carefully evaluate before relying on AI.

Providing Support and Rationale for the Estimation of a Company-Specific Risk Premium
The application of a company-specific risk premium (“CSRP”) when estimating the discount rate is controversial in the valuation industry. No generally accepted data source can be accessed to quantify the CSRP because the CSRP is specific to a subject company or asset. To estimate a relevant CSRP, the valuation analyst should perform a qualitative factor analysis and review quantifiable data sources that support the reasonableness of the CSRP.

Comparison of the Business Valuation Development Standards Among Organizations
Tia R. Hutton and Elizabeth Jones
Business valuation standards are promulgated by different authoritative bodies to create specific guidance for valuation analysts to improve quality and consistency. Each organization requires its members to adhere to its standards. However, navigating the different organizations and their standards can be difficult.
Previous Issues
October 2024 Perspectives
Editors for this issue: Jesse J. Gillett
- Key Considerations in the Valuation of Carried Interest from a Tax Perspective
- Digging in the Dirt: Performing Forensic Analysis of Financial Records for Valuation Purposes
- Jointly Retained Valuation Engagements: A Road Map for Trust and Cooperation
July 2024 Perspectives
Editors for this issue: Brent A. McDade
- Speculative, Viral, and Volatile: Valuation Considerations for Cryptocurrency Assets
- Company Stock Repurchases at Fair Market Value May Deliver Value Accretion for Remaining Shareholders
- Qualified Appraisals and Charitable Contribution Deductions: The Lessons of Hoensheid
April 2024 Perspectives
Editors for this issue: Nathan P. Novak and Timothy J. Meinhart
- Control Considerations in the Valuation of a 50 percent Ownership Interest
- The Expatriation Tax: How to Present Assets to the IRS When You Say Goodbye to the United States
- The Valuation of Controlling Ownership Interests in the Context of Gift Tax Planning
January 2024 Perspectives
Editors for this issue: Justin M. Nielsen and Lisa H. Tran
- The Applicability of Discounts for Lack of Marketability on Controlling Ownership Interests
- Higher Interest Rates and Tax Exemptions May Maximize Benefits in Gift and Estate Tax Planning
- Key Person Considerations When Valuing Private Companies in a Gift and Estate Tax Context

October 2023 Perspectives
Editor for this issue: Weston C. Kirk
- Preferred Equity in a Rising Interest Rate Environment
- Considerations for Valuing the Stadium Seat Licenses of Sports Teams for Estate Tax Purposes
- Convertible Bonds as a Component of a Company’s Capital Structure

July 2023 Perspectives
Editor for this issue: Timothy J. Meinhart
- Understanding the Implications of Cecil v. Commissioner
- How to Properly Use Asset Transactions in the Guideline Merged and Acquired Company Method
- Getting the Most out of Every Engagement
April 2023 Perspectives
Editors for this issue: Charles A. Wilhoite and Scott R. Miller
- Incorporating ESG Performance in Equity Valuations
- Key Considerations Regarding the Valuation of “Small” Businesses
- The Tax Benefits and Challenges of Allocating Total Business Goodwill to Personal Goodwill in a Transaction

Subscribe to Perspectives
For over three decades, Insights was a respected publication that provided valuable information on topics related to business valuation, forensic analysis, and financial opinions. In 2023, we replaced this print publication with our new digital publication, Perspectives.

Winter 2023 - Best Practices
- Transfer Tax Valuation Thought Leadership
- Damages Measurement Thought Leadership
- Property Appraisal Thought Leadership
- Fair Value Measurement Thought Leadership
- Valuation, Damages, and Transfer Price Thought Leadership
- Reasonableness of Compensation Analysis Thought Leadership

Winter 2021 - Thought Leadership in Estate and Gift Transfer Tax Valuation Matters
- Gift and Estate Tax Planning Thought Leadership
- Transfer Tax and Income Tax Thought Leadership
- Trust and Estate Thought Leadership
- Income Tax Thought Leadership
- Gift and Estate Tax Controversy Thought Leadership